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Research Areas

The ExCEED project will stimulate increased research excellence in organic electronics at SUT. To boost the scientific excellence and technology transfer capacity of SUT in organic electronics, the ExCEED will implement a science and innovation strategy focused on four sub-topics:

Organic Transistors

Transistors are considered a fundamental “building block” of modern electronic devices, either amplifying signals or operating as on-off switches.There are many different types of transistors. Most organic transistors are organic field-effect transistors (OFETs).

Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

OLEDs are built from one or more layers of organic and hybrid material (either small molecules or polymers) sandwiched between two electrodes (e.g., indium tin oxide), all on a plastic or another type of substrate.

Organic Solar Cells

OSC structure and materials allow the formation of flexible, semi-transparent devices. The typical photoactive blend layer in OSC cells consists of conjugated polymer donor (D) and molecular acceptor (A).

Organic Energy Storage Systems

Various electrical energy storage devices already exist. Entering this domain, organic batteries for small devices as well as organic flow batteries for large units represent particularly promising and prospective technologies.